He Gave Us Gifts
October 20, 2024 | Ephesians 4.7-12 | Sarah Jeong
So far in Ephesians, Paul has been expanding our horizons and stretching our imaginations. And if we stop and just take a step back – what we realize is that the universe has changed because of Jesus Christ. All of history has been rewritten ever since Jesus died on the cross, and came back to life. Reality has changed. And as we come to chapter 4, Paul shifts his writing from telling us about how reality has changed, to telling us how to live in this new reality.
This week we’re pleased to welcome Sarah Jeong, who preaches from Ephesians 4.7-12. Sarah helps us wrestle with how Paul deliberately misquotes from Psalm 68, and helps us see that God has delivered us out of captivity from sin, and has given us to each other and to the world as gifts, in order to build up the church.