More Than We Can Imagine

September 29, 2024 | Ephesians 3.18-21 | Rob Collis

It’s been said that chapter 3 is the peak of Ephesians. So far, we’ve been climbing through the foothills, but now we’re climbing to the highest point – the top of the mountain – and once we’re at the top, we can see for miles in every direction.

This week Rob preaches from Ephesians 3.18-21, and he shows us how Paul is praying that God would set our hearts on fire with love for him. Paul hopes we would behold the fullness of God for ourselves, and as a result of beholding God, we would have an increased awareness and expectation of how God is at work in our world. Because Jesus can do exceedingly abundantly more than all we can ask or think or imagine – he’s proven it by the cross and resurrection, and he’s already doing it all around you – and his question for us all is simply: “Will you take my hand, and follow me?”


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