Saved by Grace

August 11, 2024 | Ephesians 2.8-10 | Rob Collis

As we’ve been journeying through the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we’ve been invited to have the eyes of our hearts opened to behold the depths and the riches of the love of God. This week, Rob preaches from Ephesians 2.8-10, and unpacks one of the most succinct and breathtaking accounts of how we receive our new life in Christ: we are saved by nothing other than the grace of God.

But sometimes we can get this backwards, and our hearts can get in the way of falling into God’s grace, as we boast in our pride or shame. As the Apostle Paul ushers us past these barriers to God’s grace, though, he shows us that what God has in store for us in Christ is so much more beautiful and amazing than we could have ever imagined!


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