Brought Near
August 18, 2024 | Ephesians 2.11-13 | Willie Shain-Ross
As the Apostle Paul continues his letter to the Ephesians, he continues to fix our eyes on the fulness of what God has accomplished for us in Jesus Christ, so that we might have eyes to see and comprehend the good news of Jesus. And in his writing, he uses a pattern to structure his writing: “You were this, but God… now you are this, and here’s the new reality into which you live.”
This week we’re pleased to welcome Willie Shain-Ross, who preaches from Ephesians 2.11-13, and helps us to remember and understand what our life was truly like apart from Jesus Christ: we were covenantally cut off and spiritually alienated from God. But Jesus came to take on our spiritual alienation so that we might be reconciled to stand before God, and be brought into the new reality of his kingdom here on earth.